To keep the body in good health is a duty...otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clean.
Massage treatments
Ayurvedic Yoga Massage
A deeply healing, therapeutic treatment
An individual session of Ayurvedic Yoga Massage is given on a mattress on the floor. Both hands and feet are used in the delivery of the 60-70 minutes massage. The treatment involves alternation between deep tissue massage and a series of stretches covering all regions of the body.
Therapeutic stretches, mobilisations and other healing techniques are applied according to clients’ needs. Gradually, a sense of openness and presence is brought to the receiver. Another unique tool of the AYM massage is the use of Calamus powder which, when mixed with just a little oil, brings out the toxins from the body; the scrubbing and stimulating feeling awakens the skin and improves blood circulation.
Ayurvedic Yoga Massage brings instant benefits on physical, psychological and energetic levels, among them:
Reduces muscle tension and stress
Improves flexibility
Realigns body structure
Improves respiratory capacity
Promotes the circulation of body fluids
The AYM contributes to the alleviation and recovery of injuries and diseases, such as:
Joint and muscle related pain
Breathing difficulties
General problems related to stiffness from lack of exercise
Disorders of intestinal/digestive organs
Stress, anxiety, depression
Sleep disorders
£75 for a 60-70 minute treatment. Click the ARYM link for more information.
Himalayan Sound Healing Massage
An Ancient Science
1 hr
80 British pounds45 min
45 British pounds
A 30-40 minute, floor-based treatment, taking place fully clothed, on a mat. The sound massage uses a set of seven singing bowls, each tuned to a frequency resonating with one of the seven chakras – metaphysical energy centres in the body.
A number of techniques are used to produce different sounds which bathe the body in healing vibrations. Sometimes the bowls are held close to the body, and at other times make direct contact. The vibrations engage the relaxation reflex, slowing down the respiratory, brain and heart rate, facilitating a deeply relaxing trance-like state,
Sound healing massage has been proven to reduce stress, bring about a deep sense of peace and optimise health by balancing out the two hemispheres of the brain and harmonising body, mind and soul. Many report out of body experiences, and access to other dimensions. Clients also experience sleeping soundly and feeling the effects of the treatment for several days.
Himalayan Sound Healing Massage has many instant benefits on physical, psychological and energetic levels, including:
Deep meditation
Deep relaxation and tranquillity
Increased vitality & energy
The sound massage has also been known to contribute to the alleviation and recovery of ailments and conditions, such as:
High blood pressure
Chronic fatigue syndrome & depression
Healing the effects of chemotherapy
£45 for a 30-40 minute treatment. Click the 'contact me' link to make a booking.